Quartz, also known as Clear Quartz or Rock Crystal is the transparent variety of Quartz (Silicon dioxide). It is used everywhere around us in our modern world; in our cellphones, computers, medical technology, clocks, and concrete, employed for its ability to channel pure, progammable energy. Our Snowy Quartz Clusters are gorgeous, with great point formations and a pure snowy milk white colour. Believed to be a master crystal for its metaphysical properties in enhancing and energising, cleansing and absorbing negative energy. You will receive the exact item you select from the images.
Snowy Quartz Cluster
Quartz, also known as Clear Quartz or Rock Crystal is the transparent variety of Quartz (Silicon dioxide). In this cluster form it is believed that each of crystal points combine energy to provide balance and harmony. A master stone, it is believed to bring balance, harmony and clarity, this is a powerful healing and energy amplifying stone, beneficial for cleansing and clearing.SELENITE
Calcium Sulfate, or satin spar, is formed due to evaporation along hot springs and clay. Selenite has a tabular crystal structure, with striations running its length. When polished, Selenite is silky and pearlescent, when raw it has a frosted, milky translucency. Also known as “Physical White Light”, Selenite is believed to cleanse and purify, provide clarity and protection. It is often used for its ability to charge and amplify your crystals; place your jewelry or crystals on Selenite overnight to recharge. Selenite is one of the few crystals that doesn’t require charging.